Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

100% cara Dragon City

Dragon City Complete Dragon Breeding Guide

Dragon breeding is a unique part of the game play in Dragon City. However, it is hard to figure out how to breed what without the formula. In this guide, we will provide some formulas and tutorials on how to breed the dragons that you love and use in Dragon City. Please share this guide with your Dragon City and facebook friends if you have found it helpful. Lastly please check out the rest of our Dragon City guides.

Basic Dragon Breeding Information

The basic of Dragon City breeding is taught during tutorial. You will first have to level up your dragon via feeding to at least level 4. Build a building ground such as Breeding Mountain or Breeding Tree, then you can select which of the dragon that you would like to breed. It will take some time for the dragons to create the eggs and even more time for the eggs to hatch. The types of offspring is dependent on the parents. In addition, there is some sort of luck involved in breeding that you may not get the dragon you are looking for 100% of the time.
When you first start the game, we recommend you to start from generation 1 and breed a couple high generation dragons. However, slow down on the Pure Dragon breeding (We label it generation 4 and 4.5) because the long breeding time can hinder your game play.

Basic Breeding Dragons

To start breeding the dragons, you must first have these basic building blocks. You must purchase these dragons from eggs because you do not have the parents to generate and mate for these basic dragons.Dragon City
Plant Dragon
Fire Dragon
Earth Dragon
Water Dragon
Electric Dragon
Ice Dragon
Metal Dragon
Dark Dragon

:: Generation 1 Breeding Dragons

-Earth Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Earth + Fire = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Earth + Plant = Tropical or Cactus.
Earth + Water = Mud or Waterfall.
Earth + Electric = Star or Chameleon.
Earth + Ice = Alpine or Snow Flake.
Earth + Metal = Armadillo.
Earth + Dark = Hedgehog or Venom.

-Fire Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Fire + Earth = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Fire + Water = Cloud or Blizzard.
Fire + Plant = Firebird or Spicy.
Fire + Electric = Laser or Hot Metal.
Fire + Metal = Medieval or Steampunk.
Fire + Dark = Vampire or Dark Fire.

-Water Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Water + Earth = Mud.
Water + Fire = Cloud or Blizzard.
Water + Plant = Nenufar or Coral.
Water + Electric = Lantern Fish or Storm.
Water + Ice = Icecube or Ice Cream.
Water + Metal = Mercury or Seashell.

-Plant Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Plant + Earth = Tropical.
Plant + Fire = Firebird or Spicy.
Plant + Water = Nenufar or Coral.
Plant + Ice = Dandelion or Mojito.
Plant + Metal = Jade or Dragonfly.
Plant + Dark = Carnivore Plant or Rattle Snake.

-Electric Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Electric + Earth = Star or Chameleon.
Electric + Fire = Laser or Hot Metal.
Electric + Water = Lantern Fish or Storm.
Electric + Metal = Golden Or Battery.
Electric + Dark = Neon.
Electric + Ice = Moose.

-Ice Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Ice + Earth = Alpine or Snow Flake.
Ice + Water = Icecube or Ice Cream.
Ice + Plant = Dandelion or Mojito.
Ice + Medal = Platinum.
Ice + Electric = Moose.

-Metal Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Metal + Fire = Medieval or Steampunk.
Metal + Water = Mercury or Seashell.
Metal + Ice = Platinum.
Metal + Plant = Jade or Dragonfly.
Metal + Electric = Golden or Battery.
Metal + Dark = Zombie.

-Dark Dragon Hybrid Generation 1

Dark + Earth = Hedgehog or Venom.
Dark + Fire = Vampire or Dark Fire.
Dark + Plant = Carnivore Plant Or Rattle Snake.
Dark + Electric = Neon.
Dark + Ice = Penguin.
Dark + Metal = Zombie.
Dark + Mud = Poo.

:: Generation 2 Dragon Breeding – Hybrid Rare

Mud (Earth + Water) + Dark = Poo.
Medieval (Fire + Metal) + Alpine (Ice + Earth) = Cool Fire Or Soccer Or Pearl Or Armadillo Or Flaming Rock
Neon (Dark + Electric) + Nenufar (Water + Plant) = Pirate.
Zombie + Mud (Earth + Water) = Petroleum.
Laser (Fire + Electric) + Dandelion (Plant + Ice) = Gummy or Fluorescent or Laser.
Special Notes:
Cool Fire can also be obtained through Laser (Fire + Electric) and Dandelion (Plant + Ice), Firebird and Ice.
Armadillo can also obtained through: medieval + alpine, pearl + alpine, jade+star, Zombie + Mud, and Pearl + flaming rock dragon
Gummy can also be obtained through: Firebird + fluorecent, firebird + star, Jade + star, and neon + nenufar
Pirate can also be bred from: Rattlesnake + lanternfish and neon + cloud
It should be additionally noted that Medieval + Alpine dragon is one of the best dragon breeding formula in Dragon City because of its ability to bred different types of hybrid rares.

:: Generation 3 Dragon Breeding – Legendary

The dragon breeding list for the legendary rank is well, pretty rare. You really have to rely heavily on your luck to get a shot at landing these dragons. Because the type of elements associated with these rare breeds are quite complex, we do not have the exact formula for these Dragon City breeds yet.
Legendary Dragon – Cool Fire Dragon + Soccer Dragon
Crystal Dragon – Coolfire + Soccer
Mirror Dragon – Gummi Dragon + Cool Fire Dragon
Wind Dragon – Gummi Dragon + Cool Fire Dragon, Soccer + CoolFire

:: Generation 4 and 5 Pure Dragon Breeding – The Pure Dragons

The pure dragon in Dragon City is the latest update that uses all the legendary dragons that you have gotten. Some people also call the Pure dragon the “Unicorn” dragon, because it looks like a unicorn. However, the actual name on Dragon City is the Pure Dragon. This category of dragon has its own habitat of the Pure and Pure elements. Below is how you can obtain these pure dragons in Dragon City.
We have intentionally separated the ranking generation of Pure and Pure Element. You will need Pure Dragon before you can start breeding the Pure Elements, thus effectively make the Pure Elements one generation after the Dragon City Pure Dragon.
It should be noted again that the breeding chance of Pure Dragon is not 100%. Based on our brief tests, we estimate the chance of breeding the Pure Dragon to be roughly 30~50% or even lower. There is a chance to have a result of any possible dragon combination when you breed two legendary dragon together.
Generation 4 – The Pure Dragon
Pure Dragon – Any breeding combination from legendary status dragons – Legendary, Crystal, Mirror, Wind. For example, Legendary + Crystal, Crystal + Mirror, and …
Generation 5 – The Pure Element Dragons
After you have obtained the Pure dragons, you can use the Dragon City pure dragon to breed the Pure element dragons with their elemental counterparts. Below is a list of all these pure elemental dragons.
Pure Plant = Pure Dragon + Plant Dragon
Pure Fire = Pure Dragon + Fire Dragon
Pure Earth = Pure Dragon + Earth Dragon
Pure Water = Pure Dragon + Water Dragon
Pure Electric = Pure Dragon + Electric Dragon
Pure Ice = Pure Dragon + Ice Dragon
Pure Metal = Pure Dragon + Metal Dragon
Pure Dark = Pure Dragon + Dark Dragon
Chart serangan dan pertahanan masig-masing elemen dragon
Untuk tips battle/combat dragon kamu bisa lihat chart dibawah ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas dragon kita dari masing2 elemen untuk bertarung.
Dragon City
0x = tidak ada efek
1x = serangan normal
2x = serangan dobel/kritikal
Cara Mendapatkan Rare Dragon
Rare dragon adalah jebis dragon yang langka yg maan tidak mudah untuk mendapatkan. Dragon ini diantarnya Gummy Dragon, Cool Fire Dragon, Soccer Dragon, Armadillo Dragon, Petroleum Dragon, Pirate Dragon, Poo Dragon. Untuk mendapatkan naga2 diatas kita bisa combine naga-naga berikut:

info : Rare dragon belum tentu bisa langsung didapat dengan 1x coba. Dan info ini didapat dari pengalaman saya sendiri. Jika kamu memahami game ini kamu sebenarnya juga bisa combine2 naga ini dengan kreativitasmu sendiri dan tidak harus persis seperti yg saya tulis dibawah

Tips : 
Usahakan Posisi nya sama misalnya Cool Fire = Volcano + Alpine 
yang duluan Volcano nya bukan Alpine.
1. Gummy Dragon :
Elemen : electric + plant
Waktu Bertelur Gummy Dragon = 8 jam
 Gummy3.png Gummy Dragon Egg.png
combination :
Cactus + Chameleon
Tropical + Star
Laser + Dandelion

2. Cool Fire Dragon:
Elemen : Fire + Ice
Waktu Bertelur Cool Fire Dragon = 4 jam
Screen-capture.png Cool Fire Dragon Egg.png 
combination :
Volcano + Alpine 
Laser + Dandelion
Alpine + Medieval

3. Armadillo Dragon
Elemen : Earth + Metal
Armadillo3.png  Armadillo Dragon egg.png 
combination :
Waterfall + Zombie
Alpine + Medieval

4. Pirate Dragon
Elemen : Dark + Water
Waktu Bertelur Pirate Dragon = 15 jam
combination :
Neon + Nenufar
Mud + Hedgehog
Waterfall + Venom

5. Soccer Dragon
Elemen : Ice + Fire
Waktu Bertelur Soccer Dragon = 12 jam
S dragon Trnspt.png
combination : 
Flaming Rock + Snowflake
Volcano + Alpine

6. Petroleum Dragon
Elemen : Dark + Water
Waktu Bertelur Petroleum Dragon = 12 jam
combination :
Neon + Nenufar
Strom + Neon
Lantern Fish + Carnivore Plant

7. Poo Dragon
Waktu Bertelur Poo Dragon = 14 jam
combination : 
Mud + Petroleum
Hedegehog + Water  
Spesial Breed :
Alpine + Medieval = ArmadilloCoolFireSoccer, Pearl, Flamming Rock

Dengan combine medieval + alpine kita bisa mendapatkan rare dragon dengan kemungkinan 60%.
Walaupun begitu tetap ada 40%nya tidak dapat rare dragon.
Pertama kali saya combine naga medieval+apline tersebut saya tidak mendapat rare dragon tapi cuma dapat flamming rock.. hehe kurang beruntung.

Cara mendapatkan Legend Dragon

Legend dragon adalah jenis naga yang sangat langka. Kalian harus bergantung pada  keburentungan untuk mendapatkan jenis naga ini. Diantaranya adalah Legendary dragon, Wind Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Mirror Dragon.

Info : Untuk mendaptkan naga ini bisa mengcombine antara rare dragon + rare dragon. Tapi kita belum tentu bisa dapat dengan sekali coba. Kalian tidak harus mengcombine seperi yang dibawah ini.  Legend dragon memiliki waktu bertelur yang lama yaitu  2 hari.

Legendary Dragon – Hybrid Rare + Hybrid Rare.
Sprite 620001.png

Crystal Dragon – Coolfire + Soccer

Mirror Dragon – Hybrid Rare + Hybrid Rare.

Wind Dragon – Hybrid Rare + Hybrid Rare.

Cara mendapatkan Pure Dragon

Pure dragon adalah yang super langka. Sama seperti legend dragon kalian harus memiliki keberuntungan. Naga ini memiliki bentuk seperti kuda bertanduk. Untuk mendaptkannya bisa dengan menggabungkan 2 legend dragon.

431557 406091796114761 1566296204 n.jpg

Contoh : Legendary + Legendary
               Legendary + Crystal
               Wind + Mirror
Info : Pure dragon belum tentu bisa didapatkan dengan 1x coba.

Pure Fire Dragon

Pure Fire.png
Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Fire Dragon. Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Pure Water Dragon
Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Water Dragon. Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Pure Earth Dragon
Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Earth Dragon. Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Pure Plant Dragon

Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Plant Dragon. Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Pure Electric Dragon
Pure Electric Dragon.jpg
Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Electric Dragon. Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Pure Metal Dragon
Pure Metal 3.jpg
Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Metal Dragon , dan dari Wheel of Fortune 8-11 Oktober 2012  Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Pure Ice Dragon

Pure Ice Dragon.png

Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Ice Dragon, dan dari Wheel of Fortune 8-11 Oktober 2012 Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Pure Dark Dragon
Pure Dark Dragon.png
Naga ini bisa didapat dari Pure Dragon + Dark Dragon , dan dari Wheel of Fortune 8-11 Oktober 2012  Naga membutuhkan waktu 48 jam untuk menikah, dan 48 jam untuk bertelur.

Info : Pure element dragon belum tentu langsung dapat dlam sekali coba.

Gambar- Gambar telur di dragon city
Dragon city egg

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Cheat Engine 6.2

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Screenshots of Cheat Engine

Download Now! Cheat Engine 6.2

Cheat Engine Editor's Review

If you’re tired of always losing at a certain computer game, then this is the program for you. Cheat Engine makes single-player games easier to play so you always win. On the other hand, if you fancy a challenge, you can use it to make games harder too.

Cheat Engine comes with a disassembler and assembler, a debugger and a memory scanner, which finds variables within a game and lets you alter them.

Beginners can master Cheat Engine by running through the handy tutorial, which is downloaded to your programs list when you install the package.

This program is an open-source tool, so any computer user is able to contribute to its development.

Pros: Cheat Engine allows you to modify games to make them less or more difficult. The included tutorial makes it easy to learn.

Cons: Some computers identify Cheat Engine Files as being a virus, so you may need to alter your settings when you download it. Be sure to make your settings secure again afterwards though.

Conclusion: Cheat Engine is a great program that allows you to modify games and get more fun out of them. By making games easier, you can now get to the end of ones you found impossible and by making games harder, you can get some more mileage out of one that has become too easy for you. This is handy if you want a challenging game to play, but can’t afford a new one just yet.

Cheat Engine Publisher's Description

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make them harder or easier depending on your preference(e.g: Find that 100hp is too easy, try playing a game with a max of 1 HP), but also contains other usefull tools to help debugging games and even normal applications.


Read more

What's New in Version 6.2 of Cheat Engine


- Fixed the first plugin from not getting activated at restart
- Custom types can now do an unknown initial value scan
- Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from hiding some text while typing
- Fixed the auto assembler highlighter from not showing hexadecimal values as hex starting with A to F
- Fixed global debug from crashing in 64-bit (with dbvm)

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

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Download 3gp Anime Movie : Sengoku Basara - The Last Party Subtitle Indonesia

Judul : Sengoku Basara - The Last Party

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Subtitle : Indonesia
Indonesia Fansubs : Moesubs dan Kazesubs
Sinopsis :
Kisah film ini ditetapkan setelah konflik dihasut oleh Toyotomi Hideyoshi berakhir, tapi tidak sebelum Pertempuran Sekigahara menentukan siapa yang akan menjadi Shogun Jepang.
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Synonyms: Naruto Movie 8, Gekijouban Naruto: Blood Prison
Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jul 30, 2011
Producers: Studio Pierrot
Genres: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Martial Arts, Shounen, Super Power
Duration: 1 hr. 42 min.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or olderr

Special episode included in the last of the nine Blu-ray/DVD volumes.
After being captured for attempting to assassinate the leader of Kumogakure, the Raikage, and killing Jounin from Kirigakure and Iwagakure, Naruto is imprisoned in Houzukijou, a criminal containment facility also known as the Blood Prison.
The master of the castle, Mui, uses the ultimate imprisonment jutsu to steal power from the prisoners. In this place, something is aiming for Naruto's life. The battle to prove his innocence and uncover the truth has begun for Naruto and his friends.

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